Steampunk Vampire Dress
Steampunk Vampire Dress
…upcycled from a pair of curtains!
Featured Image: Photo of the girl wearing the costume outside, at night. It is dark. She is sitting on a swing. She has vampire makeup on. The photo is made to look old.
This is the Steampunk costume that I’ve been making for my daughter. It is entirely made from a pair of curtains which we found at a charity shop. And with vampire teeth, the costume makes a very good Victorian Gothic Vampire dress for Hallowe’en, too!
Image: A full length photo of a girl in the costume dress. It is a side view, holding her hands together, poised in front of her waist. She is wearing vampire make up, and hair in a half up-do. The girl is standing in front of a door, which has spiderweb fabric hanging from it. The photos are post edited to look like they are in an old photograph.
Image: A full length photo of a girl in the costume dress. She is facing towards the camera, holding her hands together, poised in front of her waist. She is wearing vampire make up, and hair in a half up-do. The girl is standing in front of a door, which has spiderweb fabric hanging from it. The photos are post edited to look like they are in an old photograph.
The outfit consists of a fitted, waist length jacket, buttoned from neck, dow, and floor length skirt. The jacket has pointed cuffs, with buttons and a high collar.
For the jacket, I used a Simplicity costume pattern that I’ve had for I don’t know how long. One of the pair of curtains was used to make the jacket. I had enough of some lovely brass metallic buttons, in my button box. These, I thought were very Steampunk, and so were ideal!
I added on some mini patch pockets, for a pocket watch.
The skirt, I made up as I went along because there wasn’t enough fabric to sew the shirt from the pattern. Instead, I made a front panel, based off the CharmPatterns Stanwyck Skirt; the back was the rest of the fabric, which is gathered at the waist with elastic. This created the essence of a bustle (plus it makes it easier to put on); the skirt also has side seam pockets (got to have pockets!).
I’ve since made a wrist bag out of the leftovers, which I ought to get some photos of!

Image: A composite photo, consisting of a photo of the girl wearing the costume, over the top of another image, edited to look as if it is on an old book, with various objects around it. The photo of the girl has been taken outside, at night. It is dark. This photo is made to look old. The photo is slightly blurry, as if the girl is a ghostly figure, to create an idea of a story.